Introduction to Cardiology
Unity Hospital Introduction to Cardiology is a 1 week rotation with the following objectives:
- Achieve 2nd Year Resident Level Performance of ECG Reading
- Understand how Cardiac Tests are Performed
Requirements of the rotation:
- Watch The World of ECGs Level One and Level Two Videos. Level Three is Optional.
- Videos are at, Under the DO / MD / NP / PA Education tab at the top right.
- Submit the results of The World of ECGs Level Two Test to (screenshot of result)
- DOES NOT HAVE TO BE PASSING SCORE, because the test is difficult.
- Complete 100 ECG cases in The Complete Guide to ECGs (pages 27 thru 468)
- Book is in Consult Office
- Return Book to Consult Office on Friday
- Watch a Nuclear Stress Test, Stress Echocardiogram, Transesophageal Echocardiogram, and Echocardiogram be performed in the Unity Hospital Cardiology Department.
- Optional: Observe Cardiology Consult Resident and Fellow Case Presentations and Discussions in Consult Office. No clinical responsibilities during the rotation.
- Be at the hospital Monday Through Friday 8 am – 1 pm
- Attend the brief daily 820 am meeting on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in the cardiology department, at the nurses’ station. You can plan which tests to observe that day. Go to Grand Rounds on Tuesday.
- Consult Team Usually starts at around 830 am in the Consult Office.
- For your time from 8 am to Noon, you can study the book, watch the ECG videos, observe studies, and observe consults. You decide what you want to do with your time. No one will be policing you.
- On Thursday at 8 am meet with me (Dr Ritter) in the Cardiology Reading Room for 30 min to go over questions. If I am on vacation, there will be no meeting, and you can email me with any questions or concerns.
- Attend Noon Lectures
- On Friday, Submit Screenshot of The World of ECGs Level Two Test Result to